For the past four days I have spent time with some of the most amazing girls that I know and can call my sisters. I have spent the past 4 days with the girls of Fannie Sablosky BBG #396 at the North Texas Oklahoma convention, Regionals. This convention is where we elect the new regional board every year. It is full of spirit, fun, sisterhood, friends and memories. Sablosky has had a tough last term because our freshman all switched into a new chapter leaving us with just a few sophomores, juniors and seniors. Luckily, between all of us we have already started rebuilding our chapter and will soon reach new heights. At regionals we only had 6 girls but we are all so close and it was so much fun. We cheered the entire time, we had nothing to lose so we went all out. We were decked out in blue and black each day and did our best at everything. We talked everything out during elections so that each person had a say in who to vote for and worked everything out. A lot of times, drama is caused at regionals for many different reasons. For us we didn't have any. Maybe it was because there were so few of us, maybe it is because we didn't care what people said and maybe it was because we are all so close, whatever the reason being, I'm so glad there was no drama. It made everything better and regionals was a better experience for all of us without the drama. The last night of regionals every year is a banquet to install and destall the new board, do regional awards and a dance. There are programming awards, most spirited chapter, most improved chapter, best chapter, and a few more. After the last semester we submitted all the projects we had done just to see what could happen. We ended up winning two programming awards and MOST SPIRITED BBG CHAPTER!! It was so exciting and a great way to put an end to the convention. We cheered the entire convention, and the regional board said it was a clear decision that we deserved most spirited. It has been a very long four days and it is now time for me to take a nap. I am so proud to call myself a member of Fannie Sablosky BBG. I couldn't have asked for a better start to the break and am now so excited to see where these awards take us.
Submitted with undying love for,
Marissa "Roomie" Shrell, Simone Sweetheart, Aaron ><, everything blue and black, raggedy ann dolls, Rachie advisors, impressions, rumors aren't true, coloring books, elections, the new 27th regional board and all my love for Fannie Sablosky BBG #396
I remain,
Danielle Jordan Glazer
pics from regionals will come soon!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I know it has been some time since I have posted something. At the beginning I was posting everyday and now I have slowly started to slack. School has become even more overwhelming now that it is finals week and last week was Pacesetter Tryouts. Finals are hard and stressful, but the good thing is that after tomorrow at 1 I will be a second semester junior and will be on winter break for two and a half weeks. I just wanted to post because I hadn't written anything in a while and I missed it. Writing is one of my favorite things to do. Some people are good at math and science, well I happen to be good at writing. Instead of any math test give me a paper to write and I'll do it. I would rather write a paper for each one of my finals than take a multiple choice test. We had to do a research paper for United States history during World War I, and my topic was the Influenza Pandemic. As my teacher was grading my paper, he asked if I was in AP English because my paper was so well written. That to me is one of the best compliments. I am not sure exactly what specific job I want in the Journalism industry, I just know that is what I want to do.
Being in the Guinness Book of World's Records with the Most Multiples in a Grade Level has given me a few opportunities to talk to people in the Journalism industry. Barcroft Media did a documentary on us and hopefully from that I can talk to some of the people that worked with us. Well this has been a nice break from studying The Great Gatsby, but time to finish up studying for the last day of finals.
Good luck with finals,
Being in the Guinness Book of World's Records with the Most Multiples in a Grade Level has given me a few opportunities to talk to people in the Journalism industry. Barcroft Media did a documentary on us and hopefully from that I can talk to some of the people that worked with us. Well this has been a nice break from studying The Great Gatsby, but time to finish up studying for the last day of finals.
Good luck with finals,
Monday, November 29, 2010
Times Like This
When school is hard and things are stressful, sometimes all I want to do is go back to the summer; when I was in Israel. Junior year is a year full of ap classes, SAT/ACT, starting to look at colleges, the usual high school drama, and just trying to get everything done. It is almost the end of the semester which means finals. Finals can help out your average a lot, but it also causes a lot of stress making sure you have studied the right thing. Right now I am very stressed. BBYO has taken a turn and we are trying to get things back on the right path, I need to get organized for finals and the few things that help me to get unstressed is to listen to music, think about my summer in Israel and write. At the moment, I am doing all three things. BBYO has had such a big impact in my life for the past three years of high school, that when something goes wrong, it is my job to help fix it, and that is what me and the executive board are trying to do. I know it will all work out however it is supposed to, but it is hard to look at something I have put so much pride in to see it not succeed. The girls in my chapter have become some of my closest friends. I would do anything for those girls, they are my sisters so I will do anything for them. When I think about my Israel trip, I remember how stress at home just didn't matter. I was with some of the most amazing people I have ever met, and at the time, things at home were the last things to cross my mind. As long as the people I love at home were safe and happy, I was okay. Israel was the most amazing place I have ever been to, so when I am having a bad day, or I am stressed, I can think about the trip and remember that I can just let go of somethings for a while, and everything will be okay. I know I talk about Israel pretty frequently, but I think it had a huge influence on my life, that now I can relate a lot of things to the people on the trip, the places we went to, and the experiences. The people you meet on trips like I took to Israel, and in youth groups like BBYO or NFTY, become your lifelong best friends. When people ask my dad if he was active in BBYO or NFTY, he can both point to his best friends today and say "I met them when we were in high school." Today one of his best friends lives down the street from us, we carpool to school with their 15 year old girl, and spend almost every holiday with them. My dad's other best friend lives 10 minutes away, and we have the same relationship with his family as we do with his other friend. No matter what happens with BBYO, I know those girls would do anything for me. My Israel friends are by my side 100% of the time. There has maybe been 2 days since we have been back that I haven't talked to one person from the trip.
The best summer of my life was spent in Israel, and my high school career was partly shapped by Fannie Sablosky BBG #396.
Submitted with undying love for,
Israel, camp friends, raggedy ann, blue and black, sisters, a summer of a lifetime and everyone that I met in Israel or in BBYO,
I remain,
Danielle Jordan Glazer
(that's how we conclude emails in BBYO)
The best summer of my life was spent in Israel, and my high school career was partly shapped by Fannie Sablosky BBG #396.
Submitted with undying love for,
Israel, camp friends, raggedy ann, blue and black, sisters, a summer of a lifetime and everyone that I met in Israel or in BBYO,
I remain,
Danielle Jordan Glazer
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I love my sisters |
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Ranch
For the past 15 years, every Thanksgiving we go to our family friend's ranch. We go with a bunch of family friends, and over the years we have evolved into "the ranch crew." Whenever someone say's the ranch crew, we all know who is being talked about. It is a very close group of adults with kids ranging in college, out of college, juniors, sophomores and babies. The group is just one huge extended family. We are there for each other through thick and thin and that is how its been and how it will always be. The crew is always just a phone call away no matter what. All the families have been involved in each child's life and he/she grows up, they have supported one another through the milestones, including bar and bat mitzvah's, and who knows what else. Every year at the ranch, we leave early on Friday morning so we get there around 11ish or earlier. From then on the kids run around and don't show back up to the dining room until dinner. It is a weekend full of hikes, ping pong games, pool games, backgamon, lounging on the porch, telling stories, reading books, laughing, cooking, eating, and late night song sessions. This year was different. Earlier in the year we were told that the ranch had to be leased and that this might be the last Thanksgiving we get to spend out there. It went back and forth on if we could go out for Thanksgiving and unfortunately it was a no. When we found out it was a mix of feelings. As a joke we all said it should have been put to a group vote. We were sad and confused. It was the end of a tradition that greatly influenced all of our lives. The family that owns the ranch is always there the Thursday of Thanksgiving and everyone else meets them there on Friday. They did some research and found a new place, but this year everyone else just stayed home. We all spent the afternoon at Ellen's, and it was just different, but fun. We all love spending time together but we just wanted to be at the ranch. Hopefully, somehow the ranch will one day be ours again and we can resume the tradition of the ranch. It was a nice run we had there and it will always carry some of the best memories of our lives. Atleast we are all still one big group, some things just can't be changed.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving Break!
I know it has been quite some time since I've written, but life has been so busy. I couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving break so far. My whole break has been spent with family, laughing like always. It started Tuesday after school, when everyone, went to dinner to celebrate Jordan's birthday. It was the best way to start a long break. From there, Jackie and I went to Cole's house to celebrate his birthday with all of our friends. They have the best house, and we all just hung outside by a fire pit. Wednesday we got up and started running around. We went to Neimans Last Call, got our nails and toes done, cooked a little, and had a family dinner. Oh I can't forget, we also had our first round of family pictures at the creek. Then finally it was our day, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Everyone woke up at the crack of dawn to get all pampered for round two of family pictures back at the creek. Of course it had to get freezing and mom and aunt Carol wanted us to take our shoes off because it was cuter, so our toes were freezing standing on rocks by the creek, but it certainly made for some good laughs. We got those pictures done really fast because everyone wanted to get to the cars for heat! After pictures we went back to keep cooking! Cook, cook and more cooking, all morning is what we did for hours. But of course we did it with laughter and fun...and more pictures. Everyone came over around 1 and from then on it was even more fun. I think it was the best Thanksgiving we have had. I'm so glad the Cohen's have been able to join us, we pigged out, took naps, watched the cowboys and the horns..although our teams didn't play like we wanted them to, it was still fun to watch and fight over spots on the couch. The evening settled down and Sarah, April, Sissy, Mom and I were all supposed to get up at 2 to start shopping, but that didn't happen. We all passed out and got up at 5 to start our black Friday shopping. And from 5 on it was shop shop shop till we drop drop drop. We hit up everywhere. At around 2, I went home and met Nathan to hang out at our house and eventually Jackie met with us. Jessie is in town and we wanted to see her so we met her at Bayla's house for a little bit. I am exhausted and now it is time for one last family dinner before Sissy has to leave us. It always comes and goes way to quickly, and Thanksgiving is our absolute favorite! It has been very weird not being at the ranch, and it is actually pretty sad. The ranch was always the best closing to another Thanksgiving, and for the first time in 15 years we aren't there. I miss it; the spinning bar chairs, song sessions on the porch, games of pool, ping pong, and backgamon, hikes to mini Mount Everest, the boys marination, girls spending hours in the kitchen, just wandering, the annual basketball game, and who knows what else, just being at the ranch with everyone. I guess we will have to find a new tradition, with starting this year looks to be spending Saturday at the Mills/Presby house. It is without a doubt going to be very different, but we will see how it goes. Maybe next year we will find a new location! Enjoy the pictures!
Happy Thanksgiving.
I couldn't be more thankful for my amazing family and friends. I love you guys so much.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I couldn't be more thankful for my amazing family and friends. I love you guys so much.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veterans Day
This is the one day a year when every American stands up and thanks the millions and millions of people who have sacrificed everything they have to defend our country. Thank you to everyone who has serviced, is serving or will serve, thank you for keeping our country a free and safe place to live. At school today we had a Veteran's Assembly and a guest speaker. The speaker told a story about when he had to personally deal with the casualties and families of 7 people on a fallen air craft. He spoke up about the weeks after the accident, the families and their questions, the hardships of dealing with it, but most of all it was to honor those fallen soldiers who risked their lives to defend us. It was moving to hear a story from a current member of the military. Thank you veterans for everything you do.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Elisa Project
Yesterday for Pacesetters, our director had a speaker come and give us a presentation. The speaker was from a non profit organization, known as The Elisa Project. The presentation is about eating healthy, dieting, eating disorders and helping out someone you know if they have a disorder. It was started by a Elisa's father. Elisa was a girl who for most of her life struggled with an eating disorder, and when she was in college, eventually took her life because she just couldn't handle the fight anymore. I have seen the presentation once before, and it was different each time I saw it. It really explains that dieting doesn't work, you can't just diet for a few months, lose a few pounds and then stop. Our bodies don't work like that, we have to eat frequently during the day to maintain a stable metabolism and eat proportionally. Once Elisa took her life, her family found journals and diaries written about how Elisa wished there were more resources and places for people to go if they have an eating disorder. That is when her dad created the Elisa Project. The organization now goes around to different places, schools, and groups educating people about the seriousness of eating healthy. The speaker was really motivating, personally I don't know anyone with an eating disorder thankfully, but there are people all over the world who do, and now I have more information and can help make a change. The media today makes people seem like they have to be so extremely thin, when in reality if you eat healthy and exercise regularly, if you maintain a stable weight, than that is your normal, healthy weight! People always talk about how Barbie is the "ideal body type" but if Barbie was a real women, she wouldn't be able to stand up, her waist couldn't support her chest. Every person is beautiful in his or her own way, and our media needs to turn away from the fact that every person needs to have a "model figure." Now, I think I might want to even start writing about more things like this, ways for people to find help on difficult topics. My dream job for a while now has been to be a fashion journalist, but maybe that has changed. Maybe now I want to help make a difference while still writing.
Monday, November 8, 2010
It's Been a While!
I know it has been quite some time since I have blogged, junior year is very overwhelming! Last week was just full of doing homework and trying to get ahead on work because this past weekend I was in Arizona! It was also the returning girl pep rally for Pacesetters. The returning girl pep rally is a big deal, it is for any girl who was on the team the previous year. It is always a tough dance but it is so rewarding. The costumes are always two colors but each girl gets to pick what she wants to wear. This year our colors were black and gold, and we did the dance to Starstruk by Santigold.
Right after the pep rally Jackie and I left to meet my parents so we could go to Arizona for Natalie and Caroline's bat mitzvah. We have been family friends with them for years, their dad and aunt grew up with my dad and everything else is just family history. Our families have been best friends for years and that is how it will always be. We are there for each other for everything, and I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. We got in Friday night, hung around the hotel and went to Jordan and Lauren's house for Shabbat dinner. Saturday morning, we woke up and went to services. The twins did a fabulous job, we couldn't have been more proud of them. After the luncheon, everyone went back to the hotel and just hung out. It was relaxing and so fun. Everyone was outside by the pool, laughing and catching up. The party was a blast. We danced the night away and the weekend was the perfect break from Dallas and school. On Sunday, the brunch was a great way to close the weekend, goodbyes are always hard but we will see Jordan, Lauren, and the kids for Thanksgiving. Our flight didn't leave until 3:30 so we went back the the Cohen's house with Reed and Rachel to relax. I had a chance to finish up homework and it was nice to be in the Arizona weather just being in the company of some of the best extended family anyone could ask for. I can without a doubt see myself in Arizona for college, and I wish we had the chance to visit the University of Arizona in Tuscon but we didn't have a chance. Well I can't wait to see them for Thanksgiving, but now it is time to do some more homework. It was a fantastic weekend and I can't wait for more extended family functions. I know this is a long one but it has been forever since I've written!
Right after the pep rally Jackie and I left to meet my parents so we could go to Arizona for Natalie and Caroline's bat mitzvah. We have been family friends with them for years, their dad and aunt grew up with my dad and everything else is just family history. Our families have been best friends for years and that is how it will always be. We are there for each other for everything, and I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. We got in Friday night, hung around the hotel and went to Jordan and Lauren's house for Shabbat dinner. Saturday morning, we woke up and went to services. The twins did a fabulous job, we couldn't have been more proud of them. After the luncheon, everyone went back to the hotel and just hung out. It was relaxing and so fun. Everyone was outside by the pool, laughing and catching up. The party was a blast. We danced the night away and the weekend was the perfect break from Dallas and school. On Sunday, the brunch was a great way to close the weekend, goodbyes are always hard but we will see Jordan, Lauren, and the kids for Thanksgiving. Our flight didn't leave until 3:30 so we went back the the Cohen's house with Reed and Rachel to relax. I had a chance to finish up homework and it was nice to be in the Arizona weather just being in the company of some of the best extended family anyone could ask for. I can without a doubt see myself in Arizona for college, and I wish we had the chance to visit the University of Arizona in Tuscon but we didn't have a chance. Well I can't wait to see them for Thanksgiving, but now it is time to do some more homework. It was a fantastic weekend and I can't wait for more extended family functions. I know this is a long one but it has been forever since I've written!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Speak Now
If I could be any celebrity, it would without a doubt be Taylor Swift. Not only is her music absolutely amazing, but whenever she is in the tabloids, it isn't for partying around Hollywood, it is for just being herself. Her new album, Speak Now, came out yesterday and it has all I've been listening to. All of her songs have a meaning and girls of all ages can relate to her music. During a stressful week of school, she is what I listen to when I'm doing homework or something and it makes things less stressful. To say that I am obsessed with Taylor Swift is completely true, but I'm not alone, I am surrounded by all the other teenage girls that went to Target yesterday as soon as the CD was released to buy it. Well time to go read AP psychology and get ready to go get my haircut!
I wish I was Taylor Swift!
I wish I was Taylor Swift!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Family Fun
Sometimes all you need is a little bit of family fun. That is exactly what this weekend was all about. Aunt Carol came in to watch me perform and help mom work the Pacesetter Bazaar all day yesterday. We laughed nonstop all weekend and it was so fun. Pearce won the football game on Friday night, Pacesetter bazaar was the biggest it has ever been and brunch today was the best way to end the weekend. I even got a little bit of shopping done with my family which is always a bonus. Unfortunately it is back to the real world of school and homework. For peer mediators we put on a puppet show for elementary kids and that is this week so that should be fun. Sorry this is short, time to do some homework and paint sideline sweetheart signs!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Who Knew?
So at Pearce in the Junior class we have 13 sets of twins, one being a set of triplets. A lot of us grew up surrounded by twins around us so as we got to Pearce from the different junior high schools we didn't think anything of the fact that there were lots of us. Well recently we were told that we were Guinness Book of Worlds Records holders for having the most twins in one grade. After being told that, obviously we were excited, but also shocked. Who knew that having the most twins was a world record? Well today we were interviewed by NBC channel 5 that will be aired on October 31st. It was really cool to be interviewed for the news and we also got approval for an off-campus lunch which was special. All the twins got interviewed then some parents, and then we took a few pictures for a Brady Bunch themed picture. We went to lunch at Potbellys, but Jackie and I got Freebirds. It was a fun way to hang out with the twins and get a little more of a break from school. Gotta go do some homework. Pacesetter Bazaar is this weekend, come support the Pearce Pacesetters!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Reminder of our Past
So in English we are taking TAKS Benchmark all week which consists of reading passages with multiple choice questions, revising and editing, short answer questions and an essay. It isn't that bad, it is just long. Today I was reading one of the passages and it was about a family who has a happy life until Hitler rose to power and changed everything in Germany. As I continued to read the passage and picture what the author was saying, I could remember the exact details of the day we spent at the concentration camp, Auschwitz, in Poland. That day was another cold, rainy day in Poland but for the NFTY in Israel trip it was our chance to see what our ancestors went through during World War II. The entire day we were all gloomy, quiet, and to say that we were emotionally drained was an understatement. The passage just reminded me of everything I saw; the cable cars, barbed wire fences, gas chambers, wooden beds with finger nail marks, the memorial stones of the millions of people killed, and the color. Whenever I think of a concentration camp, I think black and white. It's not black and white, there is green grass, colored flowers, and a blue sky. It's not the typical image of a death camp where over six million Jewish people were killed. As our group was touring the camp, we saw another group there. But instead of being silent like we were, and staring at this site that really can't be described, they were jumping all over the cable car, screaming and doing the "Hail Hitler" sign. The anger that immediately overwhelmed us was huge and also the sadness. To us everyone has the same opinion of the Holocaust, but there are people in the world who don't have the same views as us, and unfortunately we had to view that in the most emotional place that I have ever been too. It was an experience that I won't ever forget and I am glad I had the opportunity to go. My generation is most likely the last generation that will get to hear about the traumatic experience from Holocaust survivors so it was important to go and to be able to retell the story to younger generations and prove that this was a true event in our world's history. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to the song Save Tonight by Eagle-Eye Cherry, this song was the "song of the summer," we would blast and sing to it, and it is the song that reminds me of the summer I had. I just felt the need to write about how something like a TAKS passage can bring back the feelings of the summer. There hasn't been a day since I've been home that I haven't thought about that trip and it will be something I cherish forever. Even though Poland and Prague weren't the highlights of the trip, it was meaningful, emotional, spiritual and most importantly a needed experience. We now hold the history of the past and it is our job and responsibility to tell our children what happened during World War II.
Every single World War II veteran, every life that was taken because of the Holocaust, rest in peace.
"Save tonight, and fight the break of dawn comes tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone save tonight."
Every single World War II veteran, every life that was taken because of the Holocaust, rest in peace.
"Save tonight, and fight the break of dawn comes tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone save tonight."
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Short week!!
Luckily for me, this was only a three day school week. Monday was fair day and Tuesday was a teacher in-service day. I spent the Saturday at the fair with my cousins, and the rest of the week was with my friends! We did a lot, one night we played ultimate frisbee at Campbell Green with a huge group of people. Grace, Haley, and Ginny spent the night, and the next day Haley, Grace, Jackie and I got lunch and met up with people to play sand volleyball. After spending some time in the sun, which was shockingly hot, I went home to shower, and Trey brought Madelyn over so we could show her some volleyball skills since she just started playing. That night basically our entire group of friends went to Kyle's house and at first we were just hanging out outside, the guys playing poker, then power hackey, and eventually we had a girls vs. guys game of capture the flag. It was one of the most fun nights we've had in a long time. It felt like it was summer all over again, just going from one place to another with all of my friends. Wednesday rolled around and we took the PSAT so it was a chill day at school, Tuesday was an actual day but Friday we had a pep rally because it was the HP rival game!!! The pep rally was..interesting. Dance Team performed for the Pacesetters but we had some sound system issues so they ended up doing the dance three times but held it together with class and grace. Some of the girl teachers did another dance like they did at the Richardson pep rally and overall it was an alright pep rally. So the Pacesetters had to be back at Pearce at 6 to leave for the football game but at 7ish we still didn't have buses, so we were going to have to drive ourselves to the game. As soon as we were about to leave we got a call from Ms. Weaver telling us the bus would be there in 10 minutes and we should wait. Well 20 minutes later the first bus got there and we had to wait another 15 for the second bus to show up. It was a stressful evening for us but eventually we got to the game with 2 minutes left in the first quarter. The Pearce/HP rivalry is such a big game and we played so well. It was a pretty close game and at one point we were down by 3 touchdowns and ended up scoring twice and within the last minute got SO close to scoring again, we just couldn't make it happen. Mustangs played such a good game and I am still proud to be a Mustang. Maybe next year? Sorry HP, daddy can't always buy you a win, see you next year at Mustang/Eagle stadium. BEAT HP. Now it is time for bed because it has been an extremely long day. One last thing, Emily Schneider-hope you're having a blast in NY and you've already told me some stuff about meeting with DVF but can't wait to hear more!! I love you so much!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
What a Week
This week was actually a pretty good week. Not too stressful and I got a good amount of down time. The beginning of the week was just school and homework, and doing too much interesting. One night Grace came over and hung out for a while and we did homework and caught up. Thursday night I took Nathan out for dinner for his birthday which is today..HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE! Friday night we had a football game, which was interesting. We played really well and won 48-10 against Wylie East but after pre-game, I got shooting pains in my calfs and ankles, and was in so much pain! Courtney found me alieve and Lauren helped keep me calm before halftime, so I could perform horseshoe. After halftime it was a little better with my calfs but my left ankle hurt so bad. I wasn't sure what was wrong with it, but I made it through the game, and came home to go to bed. Today I went to the fair with my cousins. It was so fun! We rode some rides, ate TONS of food and had some good laughs. I love days with my family. The fried oreos and fried frito pies were so good. But I do have to say that I ate two corn on the cobs. It was a day full of food. Tonight we have a Sablosky overnight so hopefully it should be fun too. Yay for no school on Monday or Tuesday. Now its time to go do some college research while I have the free time. Happy birthday Nay, love you bestie!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Homecoming 2010 Pics!! (there are tons, and even more on FB)
BESTFRIENDS. i love you guys so much |
love my varsity cheer girls! |
one cheerleader, one pacesetter. haley you are one of the best friends a girl could ever want! |
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just a few of the most amazing best friends |
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best friends 12 years and counting |
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i have the best sister anyone could ask for |
Oh What a Knight!
Homecoming weekend 2010 was a definite success. It all started Friday, we had our pep rally which is normally outside in the afternoon but got moved to the morning inside. So that kinda sucked, but the pep rally ended up being really fun. I got to take lots of pictures with all of my friends which was really exciting because normally it is so hard to find everyone. I will be putting those up shortly! The day was pretty relaxed, most teachers didn't do much or give homework because they knew no one would do it. Before the football game, Laura Welborn's mom came to talk to all of the Pacesetters and we did a tribute to her daughter, and also tied purple ribbons to the tree on Senior Way that is dedicated to her. It was really sad of course but it was a good reminder of what can happen if you drink and drive or get in a car with someone who has been drinking. Our performance was dedicated to Laura, and it was very different hearing Mrs. Welborn talk as a returning girl than a new girl. I feel like the new girls our our babies and it was scarry to think the same thing everyone else was thinking..."what if one of us didn't come back on Monday?" The game started out a little rough but we ended up winning thankfully. Nice job Mustangs!! My group came over to my house after the game to hang out, swim, and just chill. It was a good way to offically start homecoming. Saturday I woke up and got ready, nails, hair, makeup, all of it! It was only a semi stressful morning but turned out great. Ginny and Grace came over before we all went to pictures so we could get pics and then we left for group pictures. The whole night went so well, dinner was good, got so many good pictures, the dance was better than expected, party bus was amazing and the after party was a great way to end the night. Sunday was a day full of lounging. I went to BBYO in the afternoon and got sushi with the dolls and came home to sleep. Homecoming 2010: it was a good weekend and I can't believe I only have one more homecoming left. Next up: Chandelle. Oh what fun that will be to plan... :) here are some hoco pics!!
It's a lot of pictures so I will make a new post for them!
It's a lot of pictures so I will make a new post for them!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
It has been such a crazy week and this is the first time I've had a chance to spend on the computer! This week has been so much fun, and I remembered how much I actually love homecoming. Tuesday was decades day, so I dressed as a flapper girl from the 1920s, Wednesday was PJ day, (best day ever!) and today was Thriller Thursday, so I dressed as a Parkhill Raider cheerleader, oh the memories! This week has been so fun and I can't believe its already Friday. Everyone wears their group shirts, mums and gets so spirited. It is my favorite day of football season, and Pacesetters get to perform our traditional routine, Horseshoe, which is chilling. We did our run through with the band today, and walked off the field with goose bumps, it was amazing. I will absolutely dedicate a blog to all homecoming pictures after this weekend is over. Tomorrow will be so fun and crazy and I can't wait. Stay tuned for pictures from all week. Sorry this isn't very detailed, but I need to get off to bed. Can't wait for the HC pep rally, even though it got moved to the morning and inside. It is normally outside in the afternoon..but oh well it should still be amazing. In honor of the 1994 JJ Pearce Pacesetter Captain Laura Welborn that was killed in a drunk driving accident the Friday Night of her senior homecoming, please remember to not drink and drive, and wear a purple ribbon in honor of her over your heart tomorrow.
Happy Homecoming Friday and Weekend!! Please remember to not drink and drive.
Pacesetter halftime homecoming performance dedicated to Laura Welborn-1994 Pacesetter Captain
Happy Homecoming Friday and Weekend!! Please remember to not drink and drive.
Pacesetter halftime homecoming performance dedicated to Laura Welborn-1994 Pacesetter Captain
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Movie Character Monday
So yesterday was the first day of Homecoming week, and each day of the week there is a dress up theme. It was movie character Monday, so Jackie and I dressed up as the Parent Trap twins. I was Annie and she was Halie. It was a fun day, although I think this week is going to be a pretty stressful week. Well today is Time Travel Tuesday and I'm a flapper from the 20s. Let's hope today is a good day!
Happy HOCO 2010!
Happy HOCO 2010!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Loving the Weekend
This was the definition of a lazy weekend, so far. Friday night we had a football game at Rockwall Heath and unfortunately we lost, but maybe the Homecoming game next week will make up for it. Even though we have lost twice now, I still see the class that Pearce has. Way to go Mustangs, love you mustangs. Today I woke up and went to the RISD college fair with Jackie and my dad. We went to a seminar called "How to get into the college of your choice." It wasn't the best of all seminars but I did learn a few things. Unfortunately it was raining so that made moving from building to building quite unpleasant. Although not all of the schools on my list were there a few were and I got information on them. My list is UT, UTSA for the cap program, Arizona, Mizzou, University of Georgia, and Vanderbilt. I only got info on UT/UTSA and Mizzou, but Mizzou had a lot of information. When I got home from the fair I started my research and did more looking at Mizzou and really like it so far. I definietly need to visit that one! After some research and relaxing, I got my nails done with mom, Sarah and April and ran around with them for a while. Jackie and Dad went to Austin for the UT/UCLA football game..which didn't end the way we had hoped. It was a pretty relaxing day which was very needed and I even got to skype with one of my best friends, Ronnie, for a little bit. tomorrow I start being a teacher's aide for Sunday School so hopefully that starts off well. That is it for now, but its HOMECOMING WEEK 2010, so there will be a lot to say about this coming week. Hopefully I can find the time to write about it so I don't have to do it all at once...that would also be an awfully long blog. Mustangs and Longhorns it's a big weekend for us, lets get it done! Homecoming and TX/OU! So sad I won't be at the Red River Rivalry, but I have to get ready for HOCO, guess the TV will have to do.
Go mustangs, hook 'em horns, and get excited for homecoming 2010.
Go mustangs, hook 'em horns, and get excited for homecoming 2010.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Twins, Twins, Twins
So I thought I would make two posts in one day..waiting for Jackie to get ready to go to the store.
So in the junior class at Pearce we have a lot of twins, when I say a lot I mean 10 sets of twins and one set of triplets. There are a lot. The big upside to this is that we get to be in the Guinness Book of Worlds Records! We have also had people from the Dallas Morning News, and someone from the UK come take pictures of us for articles! It is really cool to be in this small group of people. Who would have known that being a twin could be a world record? I'll write more later.
So in the junior class at Pearce we have a lot of twins, when I say a lot I mean 10 sets of twins and one set of triplets. There are a lot. The big upside to this is that we get to be in the Guinness Book of Worlds Records! We have also had people from the Dallas Morning News, and someone from the UK come take pictures of us for articles! It is really cool to be in this small group of people. Who would have known that being a twin could be a world record? I'll write more later.
Yom Kippur
Hello All,
I hope everyone had a great weekend and had a chance to relax, everyone knows I sure needed the extra sleep! Friday night, I went to services for Yom Kippur with my family, and then came back to my house for a nice home cooked meal before we started fasting. It was a nice quiet family dinner and a good way to start the weekend. On Saturday I woke up and lounged around the house and started getting ready to go to the teen service at Temple. The teen service was led by some of the DAFTY board and it went really well. It was nice to have a service just the teens, and it was very different than the usual High Holiday service. After leaving Temple, Jackie and I came home. I started my homework and just laid in bed. We went back for the Concluding service and then went off to the Coben's house for break the fast. I was so hungry by the end of the day!! At the Coben's I ate a little something, but Jackie, Sammi, Sophie and I were all still hungry so we went to Tourchy's Tacos and got chips and queso which was really fun! We went back to watch some of the UT/Tech football game, and at halftime Jackie, mom and I left. Some people came over to watch the rest of the game and hang out. Of course the horns won..hookem!! Well now I am off to do more homework and hopefully make some sideline sweetheart signs since we have a game this week and homecoming is next week! Maybe I'll have time to write more later, I want to write all about the Guinness Book of Worlds Records!
Hook em, Go Cowboys, and hope everyone had an easy fast,
I hope everyone had a great weekend and had a chance to relax, everyone knows I sure needed the extra sleep! Friday night, I went to services for Yom Kippur with my family, and then came back to my house for a nice home cooked meal before we started fasting. It was a nice quiet family dinner and a good way to start the weekend. On Saturday I woke up and lounged around the house and started getting ready to go to the teen service at Temple. The teen service was led by some of the DAFTY board and it went really well. It was nice to have a service just the teens, and it was very different than the usual High Holiday service. After leaving Temple, Jackie and I came home. I started my homework and just laid in bed. We went back for the Concluding service and then went off to the Coben's house for break the fast. I was so hungry by the end of the day!! At the Coben's I ate a little something, but Jackie, Sammi, Sophie and I were all still hungry so we went to Tourchy's Tacos and got chips and queso which was really fun! We went back to watch some of the UT/Tech football game, and at halftime Jackie, mom and I left. Some people came over to watch the rest of the game and hang out. Of course the horns won..hookem!! Well now I am off to do more homework and hopefully make some sideline sweetheart signs since we have a game this week and homecoming is next week! Maybe I'll have time to write more later, I want to write all about the Guinness Book of Worlds Records!
Hook em, Go Cowboys, and hope everyone had an easy fast,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Craziness of Junior Year
Hey there,
So I didn't really realize how crazy junior year would be until now. Everyone always says it is the hardest year and I just didn't understand how it could be so much harder than any other year, I mean its still school right? WRONG! It is so much more than just school, although that is the most important part, it is after school activities, ACT/SAT Prep, looking at colleges and just trying to be a teenager! I am just realizing all of this because this is the first week of this year that I have gotten stressed out...we are only 3 weeks into the year. In physics we have to make a mousetrap car, but luckily one of my best friends, Brooke was able to help me out with it! THANKS BROOKE I LOVE YOU!!!!!! Now that's finished, I am sure I have more to do, so I am gonna go finish up stuff with Grace. I just needed a little break, and this is a good break!! Thank god i started blogging :)
Hope this stress wears off soon,
So I didn't really realize how crazy junior year would be until now. Everyone always says it is the hardest year and I just didn't understand how it could be so much harder than any other year, I mean its still school right? WRONG! It is so much more than just school, although that is the most important part, it is after school activities, ACT/SAT Prep, looking at colleges and just trying to be a teenager! I am just realizing all of this because this is the first week of this year that I have gotten stressed out...we are only 3 weeks into the year. In physics we have to make a mousetrap car, but luckily one of my best friends, Brooke was able to help me out with it! THANKS BROOKE I LOVE YOU!!!!!! Now that's finished, I am sure I have more to do, so I am gonna go finish up stuff with Grace. I just needed a little break, and this is a good break!! Thank god i started blogging :)
Hope this stress wears off soon,
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Eagle Season
Hey there,
Well it's been a few days since I've had a chance to write something so lets recap this weekend:
Friday-We had the best pep rally ever! Since we played our rivals, the Richardson High School Eagles, the theme of the pep rally was "eagle season, lets hunt the eagles," so everyone dressed up in camo all day and got really spirited. Some of the faculty even did a dance at the pep rally, which was one of the funniest thing that I have ever seen happen at Pearce. The football game was intense. We had a 12 year winning streak against the eagles and unfortunately that ended this year. The mustangs played a hard game and we almost came back to beat them. The final score was 44-42 so it was really close game and a hard loss for the Mustangs. The one thing that Pearce will always have is their class. JJP has some of the classiest people I've met. Richardson people are just so rude sometimes, they were spitting on the Pacesetters, booing us, and just overall had such bad sportsmanship. I understand the rival and getting into the game, but there is a way to have fun and that line was crossed. Mustangs; no matter what we always have our class, one win can't change that about us, and let them enjoy this high because it won't happen again! I LOVE YOU MUSTANG FOOTBALL BOYS!
Saturday-Saturday I lounged around the house then went to get breakfast with my dad. After that I went to SAT tutoring and got ready for my cousin, Trey's birthday party. His actual birthday is tomorrow but a lot of his friends met at Champps to watch the UT football game. HOOKEM! I had to leave early to go to my first BBYO event of the year! It was a 9/11 memorial project and it went really well. From there I went to Preston and Frankford for a little bit but then came home to video chat with my friend of my best friends! love you :)
Sunday-today was a day full of homework and relaxing. In there was also a Sunday School teacher's aide training and a BBYO meeting. I got to go to lunch with Gina and our mom's which was fun. Now I am off to finish my homework and hopefully take a nap.
Remember to stay classy.
Well it's been a few days since I've had a chance to write something so lets recap this weekend:
Friday-We had the best pep rally ever! Since we played our rivals, the Richardson High School Eagles, the theme of the pep rally was "eagle season, lets hunt the eagles," so everyone dressed up in camo all day and got really spirited. Some of the faculty even did a dance at the pep rally, which was one of the funniest thing that I have ever seen happen at Pearce. The football game was intense. We had a 12 year winning streak against the eagles and unfortunately that ended this year. The mustangs played a hard game and we almost came back to beat them. The final score was 44-42 so it was really close game and a hard loss for the Mustangs. The one thing that Pearce will always have is their class. JJP has some of the classiest people I've met. Richardson people are just so rude sometimes, they were spitting on the Pacesetters, booing us, and just overall had such bad sportsmanship. I understand the rival and getting into the game, but there is a way to have fun and that line was crossed. Mustangs; no matter what we always have our class, one win can't change that about us, and let them enjoy this high because it won't happen again! I LOVE YOU MUSTANG FOOTBALL BOYS!
Saturday-Saturday I lounged around the house then went to get breakfast with my dad. After that I went to SAT tutoring and got ready for my cousin, Trey's birthday party. His actual birthday is tomorrow but a lot of his friends met at Champps to watch the UT football game. HOOKEM! I had to leave early to go to my first BBYO event of the year! It was a 9/11 memorial project and it went really well. From there I went to Preston and Frankford for a little bit but then came home to video chat with my friend of my best friends! love you :)
Sunday-today was a day full of homework and relaxing. In there was also a Sunday School teacher's aide training and a BBYO meeting. I got to go to lunch with Gina and our mom's which was fun. Now I am off to finish my homework and hopefully take a nap.
Remember to stay classy.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Happy New Year
Well Hello There,
If you are reading this now you are probably a fellow Jew relaxing at home with your family, or attending services in honor of the Jewish New Year. Today is a day to be spent with your family celebrating life, love, the new year and everything there is to be thankful for. I just got finished helping my mom cook, and soon I am off to get ready for a family lunch. Yes it is nice to have a day off from school, but that doesn't mean I don't have a ton of work to do...junior year is busy. Well just wanted to leave a quick post before I got started with the day. Happy New Year.
On another note, Pearce plays our rivals Richardson tomorrow. They always think they can beat us but haven't in many many years. It is always one of the most exciting games of the year and really shows how much spirit Pearce has. It is also our first pep rally and Pacesetters are performing a hip hop routine! I am so excited for tomorrow, it will be such a fun day around JJP. Look out eagles, its hunting season. Lets go mustangs!!!
Hunt the Eagles and Have a happy New Year, l'shana tova.
If you are reading this now you are probably a fellow Jew relaxing at home with your family, or attending services in honor of the Jewish New Year. Today is a day to be spent with your family celebrating life, love, the new year and everything there is to be thankful for. I just got finished helping my mom cook, and soon I am off to get ready for a family lunch. Yes it is nice to have a day off from school, but that doesn't mean I don't have a ton of work to do...junior year is busy. Well just wanted to leave a quick post before I got started with the day. Happy New Year.
On another note, Pearce plays our rivals Richardson tomorrow. They always think they can beat us but haven't in many many years. It is always one of the most exciting games of the year and really shows how much spirit Pearce has. It is also our first pep rally and Pacesetters are performing a hip hop routine! I am so excited for tomorrow, it will be such a fun day around JJP. Look out eagles, its hunting season. Lets go mustangs!!!
Hunt the Eagles and Have a happy New Year, l'shana tova.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Catching Up
It has been a few days since I've been on here but I was out of town! Summer Kallah was so much fun. It was so nice just to get away and be with my amazing camp friends. We all got to catch up, relax, hang out, joke around and just spend time with each other. I got to see my best guy friends. I love that I have a group of guys who I can call "my boys." They are some of the best guys I've ever known. Besides just seeing my boys, I got to spend time with the 5 girls out of my group of friends from first session who went to Israel, and our friend Jacob went! We hadn't seen him in a few years and I missed him so much!! Camp friends really are the best friends you could have. You can connect with them on a different level than school friends and they just really understand you. I love my school friends but I just know my camp friends will be there through whatever, and they really have proved that to me, especially recently. Well me and Joey have ended....which really does suck, but I guess every good thing must come to an end. Ronnie and Sterling have really been there which makes it a little better, guess I really do have some good boys around me. Well I'm gonna go straighten my hair and head off to bed. It has been such a long day and I am very emotionally drained. Happy Jewish New Year!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
So Far This Week
Well hey there,
This week has been good. It's been only a little stressful and just wish it would go by a little faster. Pacesetters has been fun, and we are just getting ready for each football game, and our first pep rally next weekend! I am so excited for this weekend. I am going to NFTY Summer Kallah at Greene and I can't wait to see everyone!! It's gonna be so fun to catch up and see everyone. Although we have been home for over a month and I miss everyone more than I could ever imagine, I haven't gone a day without talking to at least one person. Well I don't have too much to write. But I'm sure I will have a lot to say after this weekend!
Stay dry in this gloomy weather,
This week has been good. It's been only a little stressful and just wish it would go by a little faster. Pacesetters has been fun, and we are just getting ready for each football game, and our first pep rally next weekend! I am so excited for this weekend. I am going to NFTY Summer Kallah at Greene and I can't wait to see everyone!! It's gonna be so fun to catch up and see everyone. Although we have been home for over a month and I miss everyone more than I could ever imagine, I haven't gone a day without talking to at least one person. Well I don't have too much to write. But I'm sure I will have a lot to say after this weekend!
Stay dry in this gloomy weather,
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sum Up of the Weekend
To sum up this weekend,
Friday night we had the football game which was awesome and after I just came home and ended up just hanging out and fell asleep and got 10 hours of sleep which was much needed.
Saturday: I woke up, lounged around the house, then my friend Grace came over to paint Sideline Sweetheart signs. Sideline Sweethearts is a Pearce club where girls can sign up for a varsity football player and each week you decorate their houses with signs and bake them food. So Grace and I made them signs and hung out for a while, we were painting outside and it was so hot! Instead of going to Howdy, the back to school country western dance, I went to dinner with Gina and hung out at Preston and Frankford with Nathan. Preston and Frankford is the shopping center where a bunch of Jewish teens go after BBYO projects on Saturday nights. I came home and video chatted with two of my best friends from Israel which was great.
Sunday: I had brunch with my grandma, mom, Jackie, Gina and her mom. After we went grocery shopping and I came home to start homework, which took me forever. I have my first ap psychology test tomorrow...! Now I'm hanging out with my cousins. Thats it for now.
Friday night we had the football game which was awesome and after I just came home and ended up just hanging out and fell asleep and got 10 hours of sleep which was much needed.
Saturday: I woke up, lounged around the house, then my friend Grace came over to paint Sideline Sweetheart signs. Sideline Sweethearts is a Pearce club where girls can sign up for a varsity football player and each week you decorate their houses with signs and bake them food. So Grace and I made them signs and hung out for a while, we were painting outside and it was so hot! Instead of going to Howdy, the back to school country western dance, I went to dinner with Gina and hung out at Preston and Frankford with Nathan. Preston and Frankford is the shopping center where a bunch of Jewish teens go after BBYO projects on Saturday nights. I came home and video chatted with two of my best friends from Israel which was great.
Sunday: I had brunch with my grandma, mom, Jackie, Gina and her mom. After we went grocery shopping and I came home to start homework, which took me forever. I have my first ap psychology test tomorrow...! Now I'm hanging out with my cousins. Thats it for now.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Mustang Football!
Last night we had our first football game of the season! I had forgotten how much I love football season and last night was the perfect reminder. We played Lake Dallas and were favored to loose but somehow we pulled through. The whole game was back to back touchdowns and points, during the last 30 seconds we were down by 2 points, and our kicker whose a junior, made a field goal for us to win the game. It was crazy! Pearce is known for having amazing school spirit and its one of the best parts about my school. Senior girls decorate overalls, the cheerleaders are amazing, and happen to be some of my best friends, the Pacesetters are the best of the best, the student body is incredible, the wranglers: they keep the spirit going, are the flag runners and hangout with all the cheerleaders, and lastly the mustang band. Our band is huge and awesome. They play for the Pacesetters at halftime, and just play music throughout the whole game, and always put on a great halftime performance. I'm sure there is stuff I'm missing about the Pearce school spirit but that is just some of the things to cover it. This week and next week the Pacesetters are performing a routine to Ghostbusters. We have giant tubes that each girl dances in and it is very crowd pleasing. The game was awesome and just showed how much support our football team has. Mustang football is without a doubt one of the best parts of the year.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I am pretty much back in the swing of things of school. Waking up early, being tired, homework, stress...the usual. Junior year is already hard. Precal and physics are my hardest classes but hopefully I'll be okay. We had our first Pacesetter performance tonight at the annual kickoff-cookout, where a lot of organizations get presented. We did our traditional Deep in the Heart of Texas high kick routine and apparently it looked really good! This was a quick post, but time to get back to everything!
Whose ready for the weekend?
Whose ready for the weekend?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Best Summer Anyone Could Ask For

![]() |
thank you for being the bestest friend i could ever ask for. |
you're the best thing that's ever been mine |
you boys are the definition of what is means to be a best friend. i love you more than anything |
Last Day Of Summer/First Few Days Of School
Well it has been a crazy few days. Sunday was super busy. I had a pacesetter mother-daughter tea, and had to rush from there to get ready for MIT Pickup! I quickly got all of my blue and black Fannie Sablosky spirit clothes on, and met up with the rest of the chapter to suprise the new members and "kidnap" them! It was really fun and it was very exciting for them as well as the rest of the members to have our newest "dolls." Our chapter mascot is the Raggedy Ann Doll so we are the dolls of Fannie Sablosky. From pickup I went to my family friend's house for a birthday party and couldn't stay for long due to the fact that I started school the next day.
DAY ONE OF SCHOOL! It was definately better than expected, but of course still dreaming about summer. I like all of my teachers and I have good classes with most of my friends. I didn't have much homework on Monday, just had to get all of my supplies. Right after school, Jackie and I went to the staples right by Pearce except the electricity was out. Which for them was probably the worst day of the year for it to be out. You could shop and put your basket on hold and come back when it was back up which I did and it worked out pretty well. It was just very stressful shopping in the heat and dark and making sure you got everything. Day two of school was a little more busy. We took part of a PSAT in AP english, a math pretest in physics, got a group in school project in history, and got straight to work in precal. It will without a doubt be a busy year. I'm thinking I will post two blogs tonight so I can write about Israel...
DAY ONE OF SCHOOL! It was definately better than expected, but of course still dreaming about summer. I like all of my teachers and I have good classes with most of my friends. I didn't have much homework on Monday, just had to get all of my supplies. Right after school, Jackie and I went to the staples right by Pearce except the electricity was out. Which for them was probably the worst day of the year for it to be out. You could shop and put your basket on hold and come back when it was back up which I did and it worked out pretty well. It was just very stressful shopping in the heat and dark and making sure you got everything. Day two of school was a little more busy. We took part of a PSAT in AP english, a math pretest in physics, got a group in school project in history, and got straight to work in precal. It will without a doubt be a busy year. I'm thinking I will post two blogs tonight so I can write about Israel...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Gonna Be a Crazy Weekend
So I just woke up and figured I should start writing now because I'm so busy this weekend there is no telling if I will get another chance to or not. I have so many errands to do before school starts, I'm getting my haircut today, and for BBYO, we have our annual Member In Training (MIT) prep and pickup today and tomorrow. That's just what is going on during the day, tonight I have one of my best friends, Caroline, birthday party, and a going-away party for my friend Maddy who is doing semester abroad (EIE) in Israel. I need to figure out how to post pictures so I can put some up after this weekend. Maddy is going to love Israel. It is absolutely amazing there and it is without a doubt one of the best places to be. I spent 5 weeks there this summer and would do anything to go back. I'll save explaining about Israel for another blog, that one might be a little lengthy. There's a lot to tell! I am almost finished with my summer reading, just 5 chapters to go! Thankfully, I'm not a huge fan of Huck Finn right now. Alright, time for me to go eat and get started on those errands.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Dance, Dance, Dance
A huge part of my life is dancing. I am a part of my school's drill team, Pacesetters. 2 weeks ago we had our annual line camp where we learn some of our main routines for the first part of the year. It was a very intense 2 and half days. We had a week off and starting this week we had summer drill. For 3 hours everyday we review line camp dances, work on our traditional high kick routine, and learn our traditional horse shoe performance for the Homecoming football game. We go outside to learn Horseshoe so its hot...of course what's new in Texas? I guess there is a perk to going outside...we get super tan. Well I just got back and it's time to finish up that summer reading, hope I can get that finished before school starts on Monday!
A huge part of my life is dancing. I am a part of my school's drill team, Pacesetters. 2 weeks ago we had our annual line camp where we learn some of our main routines for the first part of the year. It was a very intense 2 and half days. We had a week off and starting this week we had summer drill. For 3 hours everyday we review line camp dances, work on our traditional high kick routine, and learn our traditional horse shoe performance for the Homecoming football game. We go outside to learn Horseshoe so its hot...of course what's new in Texas? I guess there is a perk to going outside...we get super tan. Well I just got back and it's time to finish up that summer reading, hope I can get that finished before school starts on Monday!
Start of Something New
For those of you that don't know me, I'm Dani, and I want to be a journalist. I am a junior in high school and love to write which is why I decided to start this blog. Clearly, I'm new at this so it might take me awhile to get the hang of it. I titled my blog A "Little Bit" of Everything because that is always my nickname, little bit, because of my size. I start school on Monday and am not quite ready for this summer to be over. This was one amazing summer. I got to travel across the world to Israel, and just did a lot of relaxing. These past few weeks have been super busy. Well it is 1:20 a.m. and I am gonna go to bed. Just wanted to get this started.
For those of you that don't know me, I'm Dani, and I want to be a journalist. I am a junior in high school and love to write which is why I decided to start this blog. Clearly, I'm new at this so it might take me awhile to get the hang of it. I titled my blog A "Little Bit" of Everything because that is always my nickname, little bit, because of my size. I start school on Monday and am not quite ready for this summer to be over. This was one amazing summer. I got to travel across the world to Israel, and just did a lot of relaxing. These past few weeks have been super busy. Well it is 1:20 a.m. and I am gonna go to bed. Just wanted to get this started.
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