Thursday, December 16, 2010


I know it has been some time since I have posted something.  At the beginning I was posting everyday and now I have slowly started to slack.  School has become even more overwhelming now that it is finals week and last week was Pacesetter Tryouts.  Finals are hard and stressful, but the good thing is that after tomorrow at 1 I will be a second semester junior and will be on winter break for two and a half weeks.  I just wanted to post because I hadn't written anything in a while and I missed it.  Writing is one of my favorite things to do.  Some people are good at math and science, well I happen to be good at writing.  Instead of any math test give me a paper to write and I'll do it.  I would rather write a paper for each one of my finals than take a multiple choice test.  We had to do a research paper for United States history during World War I, and my topic was the Influenza Pandemic.  As my teacher was grading my paper, he asked if I was in AP English because my paper was so well written. That to me is one of the best compliments.  I am not sure exactly what specific job I want in the Journalism industry, I just know that is what I want to do. 
Being in the Guinness Book of World's Records with the Most Multiples in a Grade Level has given me a few opportunities to talk to people in the Journalism industry.  Barcroft Media did a documentary on us and hopefully from that I can talk to some of the people that worked with us.  Well this has been a nice break from studying The Great Gatsby, but time to finish up studying for the last day of finals. 
Good luck with finals,

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