For the past four days I have spent time with some of the most amazing girls that I know and can call my sisters. I have spent the past 4 days with the girls of Fannie Sablosky BBG #396 at the North Texas Oklahoma convention, Regionals. This convention is where we elect the new regional board every year. It is full of spirit, fun, sisterhood, friends and memories. Sablosky has had a tough last term because our freshman all switched into a new chapter leaving us with just a few sophomores, juniors and seniors. Luckily, between all of us we have already started rebuilding our chapter and will soon reach new heights. At regionals we only had 6 girls but we are all so close and it was so much fun. We cheered the entire time, we had nothing to lose so we went all out. We were decked out in blue and black each day and did our best at everything. We talked everything out during elections so that each person had a say in who to vote for and worked everything out. A lot of times, drama is caused at regionals for many different reasons. For us we didn't have any. Maybe it was because there were so few of us, maybe it is because we didn't care what people said and maybe it was because we are all so close, whatever the reason being, I'm so glad there was no drama. It made everything better and regionals was a better experience for all of us without the drama. The last night of regionals every year is a banquet to install and destall the new board, do regional awards and a dance. There are programming awards, most spirited chapter, most improved chapter, best chapter, and a few more. After the last semester we submitted all the projects we had done just to see what could happen. We ended up winning two programming awards and MOST SPIRITED BBG CHAPTER!! It was so exciting and a great way to put an end to the convention. We cheered the entire convention, and the regional board said it was a clear decision that we deserved most spirited. It has been a very long four days and it is now time for me to take a nap. I am so proud to call myself a member of Fannie Sablosky BBG. I couldn't have asked for a better start to the break and am now so excited to see where these awards take us.
Submitted with undying love for,
Marissa "Roomie" Shrell, Simone Sweetheart, Aaron ><, everything blue and black, raggedy ann dolls, Rachie advisors, impressions, rumors aren't true, coloring books, elections, the new 27th regional board and all my love for Fannie Sablosky BBG #396
I remain,
Danielle Jordan Glazer
pics from regionals will come soon!
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