Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sum Up of the Weekend

To sum up this weekend,
Friday night we had the football game which was awesome and after I just came home and ended up just hanging out and fell asleep and got 10 hours of sleep which was much needed.
Saturday: I woke up, lounged around the house, then my friend Grace came over to paint Sideline Sweetheart signs.  Sideline Sweethearts is a Pearce club where girls can sign up for a varsity football player and each week you decorate their houses with signs and bake them food. So Grace and I made them signs and hung out for a while, we were painting outside and it was so hot! Instead of going to Howdy, the back to school country western dance, I went to dinner with Gina and hung out at Preston and Frankford with Nathan.  Preston and Frankford is the shopping center where a bunch of Jewish teens go after BBYO projects on Saturday nights.  I came home and video chatted with two of my best friends from Israel which was great. 
Sunday: I had brunch with my grandma, mom, Jackie, Gina and her mom.  After we went grocery shopping and I came home to start homework, which took me forever.  I have my first ap psychology test tomorrow...! Now I'm hanging out with my cousins. Thats it for now.


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