To sum up this weekend,
Friday night we had the football game which was awesome and after I just came home and ended up just hanging out and fell asleep and got 10 hours of sleep which was much needed.
Saturday: I woke up, lounged around the house, then my friend Grace came over to paint Sideline Sweetheart signs. Sideline Sweethearts is a Pearce club where girls can sign up for a varsity football player and each week you decorate their houses with signs and bake them food. So Grace and I made them signs and hung out for a while, we were painting outside and it was so hot! Instead of going to Howdy, the back to school country western dance, I went to dinner with Gina and hung out at Preston and Frankford with Nathan. Preston and Frankford is the shopping center where a bunch of Jewish teens go after BBYO projects on Saturday nights. I came home and video chatted with two of my best friends from Israel which was great.
Sunday: I had brunch with my grandma, mom, Jackie, Gina and her mom. After we went grocery shopping and I came home to start homework, which took me forever. I have my first ap psychology test tomorrow...! Now I'm hanging out with my cousins. Thats it for now.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Mustang Football!
Last night we had our first football game of the season! I had forgotten how much I love football season and last night was the perfect reminder. We played Lake Dallas and were favored to loose but somehow we pulled through. The whole game was back to back touchdowns and points, during the last 30 seconds we were down by 2 points, and our kicker whose a junior, made a field goal for us to win the game. It was crazy! Pearce is known for having amazing school spirit and its one of the best parts about my school. Senior girls decorate overalls, the cheerleaders are amazing, and happen to be some of my best friends, the Pacesetters are the best of the best, the student body is incredible, the wranglers: they keep the spirit going, are the flag runners and hangout with all the cheerleaders, and lastly the mustang band. Our band is huge and awesome. They play for the Pacesetters at halftime, and just play music throughout the whole game, and always put on a great halftime performance. I'm sure there is stuff I'm missing about the Pearce school spirit but that is just some of the things to cover it. This week and next week the Pacesetters are performing a routine to Ghostbusters. We have giant tubes that each girl dances in and it is very crowd pleasing. The game was awesome and just showed how much support our football team has. Mustang football is without a doubt one of the best parts of the year.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I am pretty much back in the swing of things of school. Waking up early, being tired, homework, stress...the usual. Junior year is already hard. Precal and physics are my hardest classes but hopefully I'll be okay. We had our first Pacesetter performance tonight at the annual kickoff-cookout, where a lot of organizations get presented. We did our traditional Deep in the Heart of Texas high kick routine and apparently it looked really good! This was a quick post, but time to get back to everything!
Whose ready for the weekend?
Whose ready for the weekend?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Best Summer Anyone Could Ask For

![]() |
thank you for being the bestest friend i could ever ask for. |
you're the best thing that's ever been mine |
you boys are the definition of what is means to be a best friend. i love you more than anything |
Last Day Of Summer/First Few Days Of School
Well it has been a crazy few days. Sunday was super busy. I had a pacesetter mother-daughter tea, and had to rush from there to get ready for MIT Pickup! I quickly got all of my blue and black Fannie Sablosky spirit clothes on, and met up with the rest of the chapter to suprise the new members and "kidnap" them! It was really fun and it was very exciting for them as well as the rest of the members to have our newest "dolls." Our chapter mascot is the Raggedy Ann Doll so we are the dolls of Fannie Sablosky. From pickup I went to my family friend's house for a birthday party and couldn't stay for long due to the fact that I started school the next day.
DAY ONE OF SCHOOL! It was definately better than expected, but of course still dreaming about summer. I like all of my teachers and I have good classes with most of my friends. I didn't have much homework on Monday, just had to get all of my supplies. Right after school, Jackie and I went to the staples right by Pearce except the electricity was out. Which for them was probably the worst day of the year for it to be out. You could shop and put your basket on hold and come back when it was back up which I did and it worked out pretty well. It was just very stressful shopping in the heat and dark and making sure you got everything. Day two of school was a little more busy. We took part of a PSAT in AP english, a math pretest in physics, got a group in school project in history, and got straight to work in precal. It will without a doubt be a busy year. I'm thinking I will post two blogs tonight so I can write about Israel...
DAY ONE OF SCHOOL! It was definately better than expected, but of course still dreaming about summer. I like all of my teachers and I have good classes with most of my friends. I didn't have much homework on Monday, just had to get all of my supplies. Right after school, Jackie and I went to the staples right by Pearce except the electricity was out. Which for them was probably the worst day of the year for it to be out. You could shop and put your basket on hold and come back when it was back up which I did and it worked out pretty well. It was just very stressful shopping in the heat and dark and making sure you got everything. Day two of school was a little more busy. We took part of a PSAT in AP english, a math pretest in physics, got a group in school project in history, and got straight to work in precal. It will without a doubt be a busy year. I'm thinking I will post two blogs tonight so I can write about Israel...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Gonna Be a Crazy Weekend
So I just woke up and figured I should start writing now because I'm so busy this weekend there is no telling if I will get another chance to or not. I have so many errands to do before school starts, I'm getting my haircut today, and for BBYO, we have our annual Member In Training (MIT) prep and pickup today and tomorrow. That's just what is going on during the day, tonight I have one of my best friends, Caroline, birthday party, and a going-away party for my friend Maddy who is doing semester abroad (EIE) in Israel. I need to figure out how to post pictures so I can put some up after this weekend. Maddy is going to love Israel. It is absolutely amazing there and it is without a doubt one of the best places to be. I spent 5 weeks there this summer and would do anything to go back. I'll save explaining about Israel for another blog, that one might be a little lengthy. There's a lot to tell! I am almost finished with my summer reading, just 5 chapters to go! Thankfully, I'm not a huge fan of Huck Finn right now. Alright, time for me to go eat and get started on those errands.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Dance, Dance, Dance
A huge part of my life is dancing. I am a part of my school's drill team, Pacesetters. 2 weeks ago we had our annual line camp where we learn some of our main routines for the first part of the year. It was a very intense 2 and half days. We had a week off and starting this week we had summer drill. For 3 hours everyday we review line camp dances, work on our traditional high kick routine, and learn our traditional horse shoe performance for the Homecoming football game. We go outside to learn Horseshoe so its hot...of course what's new in Texas? I guess there is a perk to going outside...we get super tan. Well I just got back and it's time to finish up that summer reading, hope I can get that finished before school starts on Monday!
A huge part of my life is dancing. I am a part of my school's drill team, Pacesetters. 2 weeks ago we had our annual line camp where we learn some of our main routines for the first part of the year. It was a very intense 2 and half days. We had a week off and starting this week we had summer drill. For 3 hours everyday we review line camp dances, work on our traditional high kick routine, and learn our traditional horse shoe performance for the Homecoming football game. We go outside to learn Horseshoe so its hot...of course what's new in Texas? I guess there is a perk to going outside...we get super tan. Well I just got back and it's time to finish up that summer reading, hope I can get that finished before school starts on Monday!
Start of Something New
For those of you that don't know me, I'm Dani, and I want to be a journalist. I am a junior in high school and love to write which is why I decided to start this blog. Clearly, I'm new at this so it might take me awhile to get the hang of it. I titled my blog A "Little Bit" of Everything because that is always my nickname, little bit, because of my size. I start school on Monday and am not quite ready for this summer to be over. This was one amazing summer. I got to travel across the world to Israel, and just did a lot of relaxing. These past few weeks have been super busy. Well it is 1:20 a.m. and I am gonna go to bed. Just wanted to get this started.
For those of you that don't know me, I'm Dani, and I want to be a journalist. I am a junior in high school and love to write which is why I decided to start this blog. Clearly, I'm new at this so it might take me awhile to get the hang of it. I titled my blog A "Little Bit" of Everything because that is always my nickname, little bit, because of my size. I start school on Monday and am not quite ready for this summer to be over. This was one amazing summer. I got to travel across the world to Israel, and just did a lot of relaxing. These past few weeks have been super busy. Well it is 1:20 a.m. and I am gonna go to bed. Just wanted to get this started.
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