Monday, February 28, 2011

Long Time, No Talk

I know I haven't written in a very very long time, but recently I have been so busy.  Last week I was not home for more than an hour until I would fall asleep every night.  Between nom period, school and Pacesetters there has been no stopping. On Saturday, Pacesetters competed in our annual contest, and we did amazing!! Although I had to leave so I could go to a Brandeis event, the day was really fun and we performed all of our dances flawlessly.  Nom period basically deserves a blog dedicated to itself.  Words cannot describe how much I have loved being a Brandeis nom and I cannot believe walkdown is on Saturday.  I love these boys so much and I want to be their sweetheart more than anything.  They are all so sweet and I have so much fun around them.  We had our nom overnight on Saturday and even though I didn't sleep for over 24 hours, it was so worth it.  I would suggest that everyone at least plug a chapter and see what happens.  You have nothing to lose and you make such a good friends out of it.  I will cherish these last few weeks forever and hope that everyone gets this amazing opportunity just like I did.  To all of LDB: I know I said this in my walkdown paper but you boys have truly made this the most unbelievable experience I will ever have in BBYO and I don't think I can thank you guys enough.  I love you from the bottom of my red and black heart.  Happy 9:32, because it doesn't matter what time it is, it is always 9:32 in Brandeis.  I love you boys. 

We take TAKS tomorrow, which isn't a big deal, it would be fantastic to get commended so I can get a 100 as my English exam grade, wish me luck!
Well I am going to go get my "full nights rest before taks" ...just a good excuse to catch up on some majorly lost sleep.

love Dani Nom.  

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stars in the Sky

For me, I spent the Superbowl with the lovely boys of Louis D. Brandeis at their annual Superbowl party.  It was so fun to spend time with the boys just hanging out.  We were eating, laughing, and watching the game in a relaxing environment.  For a change instead of constantly thinking about being a nom, it was much more laid back.  I bonded a lot with the sophomore boys but spent some time with everyone.  They are so much fun to be around and are so caring.  Like typical boys, they asked the noms to get them food and such, which I didn't care at all about it. If I am already getting up, why would I not get someone food? No big deal to me.  The more time I spend with the boys the more I want sweetheart, and hopefully that will work out, but at the end of the day being sweetheart will not determine my life in the long run.  As amazing as it would be and as sad as I will be if I lose, eventually I will move on and leave a different legacy in my home chapter, Fannie Sablosky.  Love you Brandeis boys!

Now onto a different topic;
Over the weekend I received my Avodah acceptance letter for camp! I cannot wait to spend all summer in Bruceville, Texas with some of my best friends.  Although not all of my friends are doing it, it will still be so much fun and a good break from being in Dallas.  While reading over the acceptance packet, it made me think back on my time in Israel.  I know I write a lot about Israel, but it had such an impact on my life.  It made me value the little things, show pride in being Jewish and taught me who my true friends are, as well as me forming the best friendships I could have ever imagined.  Avodah will only strengthen those friendships even if the people I am closest with aren't there.  In Israel I enjoyed not having constant contact with everyone in Dallas. Don't get me wrong, I missed my friends and family a lot, but it was so nice to just spend time with the people I was with and not have to worry about what was going on in Dallas.  When I was in Israel, the drama back at home didn't effect me, as long as everyone I cared about at home were okay, then I didn't have to worry.  During Avodah I will have my phone so I can talk to my friends, but I'm sure there will be times when I just want to turn it off.  Some of my Dallas friends will be on Younglife trips like Wilderness, a week long hike through the Colorado mountains, or Workcrew, a month long working experience cooking, cleaning, and helping the staff at the different camp locations.  I will want to hear all about their experiences when they get home, but it is good for our friendships to be apart of a little bit.  It is so weird to think that I am finally old enough to be an Avodah.  I cannot wait to work with campers and remind them how amazing camp is.  It is where I have some of my most favorite memories and have formed friendships with people who I am certain will be lifelong friends.  I hope the campers I have will have that same connection.

Can't wait to be back in the 76630.  Stars in the sky bring the summer right back to me.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days!

So living in Texas, we don't get ice or snow very often.  This week has been a very big exception.  Ever since Monday night all the roads have been covered in ice.  We haven't had school since Monday and have barely been able to drive.  On Tuesday afternoon Brooke, Caroline, Jackie, myself and our moms went to see a movie.  The girls saw No Strings Attached, and the mothers saw The Fighter.  It has been a lazy and very cold few days.  All the girls spent the night after the movie, including Vince Anne and Christina.  We spent the day together, had breakfast and did a lot of laying around.  Sarah, April and Trey also came over because their power was going off and on.  Our house was packed like usual, and on a day like this I wouldn't expect any less.  We had family dinner and just hung out.  Although I love being off of school for now, making up the days won't be much fun.  Stay warm!!